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A Few Words About the College
Welcome to the Saraswati College Of Pharmacy is situated LIDA, Madhu Vihar, P.O. Asha Khera, NH- 25, Lucknow- Kanpur Highway, Unnao Uttar Pradesh, India. The location of the institute is very strategic. The approach to the institute is also very convenient by Bus. Saraswati College Of Pharmacy has a green campus and the surrounding area is fast developing to add beauty to the campus. The management committee of the society is committed to facilitate and import quantity and high standard job-oriented education to the rural and urbone boys and girls. so that besides providing gainfull employment for boys and girls can contribute in the overall development of industries and economy of India.
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Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts.
Connect With Us
Smc College of Pharmacy Address: LIDA, Madhu Vihar, P.O. Asha Khera, NH- 25, Lucknow- Kanpur Highway, Unnao ( UP), Pin 209859
0515- 3510001